
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello Friends and Family, 

This is my first blog post, as I have been awaiting the “YOUR TRIP IS A GO” email. So here it is! 

But first, let me explain what has been happening. Over a year and a half ago, I spent months in prayer as I felt the Lord calling me to go on a mission trip. After lots of conversations with my parents, they gave me the go-to to apply for a month-long trip to Peru. For 6 months, I got to know my team, obsessed over pictures of the location I would be at, worked on my Spanish, and researched what the best bug spray was (haha). 

Then, as most of you know, our world shut down. In May 2020, we were informed that our trip was canceled. It was truly heartbreaking, I had been so excited to finally meet my team and go where (I thought) the Lord was calling me. 

It wasn’t until September 2020 that we got word on where our trip options for this summer would be. I quickly made the decision that I wanted to make the 30 hour travel day to Manila, Philippines. The Lord then brought 10 girls into my life who I got to get to know so quickly and spend time in prayer with. As the world started opening up more, and vaccines were introduced, our excitement continued to grow as we expected to see each other at the end of May. 

Then March 4, 2021, we got word that there was no way for us to go to the Philippines due to their Covid-19 restrictions. It was a really hard day. Lots of tears shed and anger towards God, as I truly had felt 1.5 years ago that He wanted me to go on a mission trip. 

So, I changed my trip for the third time and decided that I would be heading to Kathmandu, Nepal in July 2021. I am here to tell you, that the trip is fully confirmed. 

The only thing that I have felt throughout this past year and a half of confusion was nothing but gratitude. Thankfulness for the 19 people I had the opportunity to (virtually) meet and experience how God has changed their lives, and how God is using them now. For the two other locations that I got to learn more about, and though I may not have gone to Iquitos or Manila, maybe one day, the Lord will lead me there. 

But most of all, I am thankful because this experience brought me so much closer to the Lord. For the nights I stayed up crying out of sadness and anger, which lead to tears of joy when I found out I would for sure be going to Nepal. 

I cannot wait to share more as my trip gets closer, thank you for all your prayers.